You’re invited to participate in the Oregon Mediation Association’s 32nd Annual Conference. This year’s conference offers a broad scope of relevant, professional-level conflict resolution presentations and workshops in different field-oriented tracks, as well as the opportunity to meet and engage with practitioners in the field.
Whether you are a mediator, attorney, social worker, human resources professional, student, educator, ADR practitioner, counselor, or someone who is interested in conflict management and resolution, you’ll find multiple interesting and useful activities that will enrich your knowledge and sense of community.
The 2018 OMA Conference will include:
- 45- 90- and 180-minute professional-level workshops in field- and topic- specific tracks
- Graduate research panel
- Keynote presentations
- Plenary luncheons
- Networking reception and happy hour
- Raffle baskets
- Silent Auction
- Continue Education Credits are being applied for with the Oregon Bar, HRCI, and NASW
- Student Scholarships
- Vendor and informational space
- Annual OMA membership meeting
- ….and more!
Note: This year the Fall Conference will take place in the second week of November. The Conference Committee and Board decided to move the conference from its traditional 1st week of November due to scheduling conflicts with a home football game.
Registration and Fees
Registration is now open! You can register and pay online here.
If you have registration or payment questions, need enrollment assistance such as invoicing and payment by check, or other registration needs, please contact Jamie at
Register by October 12th for the best rates. Conference fees include breakfast, luncheon, and on Friday the networking reception. To register and to find out more information about the conference and fees, click on this link:
OMA will be offering scholarships for volunteer mediators, full-time undergrad and graduate students, and high school students. Full and partial scholarships are available, and we encourage all to apply. Deadline for first consideration is October 1. For more information and to apply, visit the Scholarship page.
Group Rates
Are you a CDR or organization sending multiple participants? Contact for options, including invoicing.
Help Support the Conference
The conference, and OMA’s on-going work, would not be possible without our generous sponsors. There are lots of ways you can get involved! You can become a sponsor or vendor at a wide range of levels from from Keynote Sponsors at $3000, to the Friday Reception Sponsors (the “Party Animals”), at $100. You can donate an item large or small for the silent auction. You can also donate to the scholarship funds to help make the conference accessible to students, or if you live in the Eugene area, you can host a conference participant.
Whichever way you choose to support OMA, you can help us reach our combined goal of raising $15,000 in support of mediation in Oregon. Your donation will help raise money for this worthwhile effort and promote your organization or business. And, as a 501(c)3 organization, your donation may be tax-deductible. Find out more about how you can support the conference here.
Planning is under way…
Check back for more information, or join or mailing list by sending an email to