Event Details
Compensation Strategy-Preparing For FLSA Changes
Date: | November 1, 2016, 4:00pm |
Organizer: | Mid-Willamette Human Resources Association |
Location: | Trillium Family Services 4455 Northeast Highway 20 Chapel Corvallis, OR 97330 |
Price: | MHRA Chapter Member- Free, Non-Member - $16.82 |
Event Type: | Meeting |
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A lot has changed with compensation in the last year from the new FLSA guidelines to Oregon's increasing minimum wage. Join us for this extra special event focusing on how you look at compensation strategy for your business or organization.
Presenter Laurie Grenya from HR Answers will focus on:
Have you ever been lost in the numbers of compensation and wondered why is this the “right” number. Your company’s compensation strategy should hold the answers. Compensation is much more than the math. We will discuss the best practice in developing a compensation strategy and how this important , and frequently missed, step with provide insight, guide decision making and become your sanity check when your lost in the numbers.
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/compensation-strategy-preparing-for-flsa-changes-tickets-28454971586